CryptoLiveLeak Token | CLL | ERC-20
Last updated
CryptoLiveLeak Token | CLL | ERC-20
Last updated
300,000,000 CLL Tokens (Maximum)
The CryptoLiveLeak Token has never conducted an ICO and has never been for sale. All distributions of the CLL Token happen naturally to the CryptoLiveLeak platform users and creators via the Attention Miningβ’ protocol.
CLL Tokens are distributed in the below percentages outlined. We aimed to distribute the tokens fairly with the majority going to the community via Attention Miningβ’.
CLL Points are earned by the Users and Creators of CryptoLiveLeak, they can use the AttentionSwap to exchange their CLL Points into CLL Tokens. There is an increasing cost schedule for CLL Tokens in terms of CLL Points as outlined below.
CLL Token has been bridged to Matic Network, and Fuse Network. CLL Token was originally created on Ethereum as an ERC-20 token. Below is a breakdown of supplies between the networks.
CryptoLiveLeak Token: the CryptoLiveLeak Token contract has 18 Decimals, a Symbol of CLL, and a contract address of 0x3dC9a42fa7Afe57BE03c58fD7F4411b1E466C508. The CLL token was originally created on Ethereum as an ERC-20 token on Feb 7th, 2018.
289,250,000 CLL Tokens | 10,750,000 Bridged CLL Tokens
CryptoLiveLeak Token
CryptoLiveLeak Token: the CryptoLiveLeak Token contract on Matic Network has 18 Decimals, a Symbol of CLL, and a contract address of 0xc8f1248B803B5CEd2d5556017092e5DAbFFdDA37. The CLL token was originally bridged to Polygon on Feb 28th, 2023.
10,000,000 CLL Tokens
CryptoLiveLeak Token
CryptoLiveLeak Token: the CryptoLiveLeak Token contract on Fuse Network has 18 Decimals, a Symbol of CLL, and a contract address of 0xbfc7a4604005a9bbbd89a9c748846169cb00d90a. The CLL token was originally bridged to Fuse Network on March 30th, 2021.
750,000 CLL Tokens
CryptoLiveLeak Token